Good Bye 2020 - Welcome 2021!

Closing my eyes, I visualized the air traveling into my lungs expanding my belly, my ribs, and my collar bones. Holding for a few seconds my mind went blank. Then like emptying a glass of water into the ocean, my lungs softened as my navel gently pressed towards the spine. Holding, until the hunger for air gave way to my next inspiration. Then I repeated, over, and over.

A bright light shining in the center of my heart, witnessing the 2020 journey.

It was without a doubt a year of excruciating suffering for many. Too many deaths, too much fear, so much division. In the midst of it all, a lot of us trying our best to keep it together: making the best of the time we have in solitude, reaching out to old friends, learning new skills, or finishing life projects.

Many days I found myself reaching inside for that warrior that doesn’t know how to give up – so she could guide the way. Because in the middle of my solitude, and compared to others, I had it good. I say this with survivor guilt and a heavy heart for the pain and suffering others have had to endure.

Truth is, we’ve all lost during this pandemic – something or someone (deeply sorry). Unfortunately, there will never be anything we can possibly do to make it better for those who have lost a loved one. My heart sends you all light and peace.

I sit here in my year end-reflection, getting ready to take a last look at my 2021 goals. I pray for a better year. I’m hoping for a time of recovery in which we reach inside to find our inner strength and become better than we ever thought possible. I wish love, wellness, and abundance for everyone during 2021.

It’s a blank slate. Let’s all get our brightest colors and paint our best strokes!

Happy New Year.


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Independent Publisher Book Awards


Witnessing Fear And The Hero